There are three persons of the Godhead: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28.19, 1 John 5.7 , Is 63.9-10).

Note :



God the father is the first person of deity and, as such, He more than anyone. "My Father is greater than I (Christ)" (John 14.28).

The wisdom and power of God are infinite. The universe and nature. "I know that you all can and that your intention may not be stopped - but... I was talking about something that does not thought, on cases of wonderful for me, which I didn't know" (Job 42.2-3). "Who has exhausted His handful of water and span measured the heavens, and contains in the ashes of the Earth, and weighed on the scales the weight hole cups we?" (Is 40.12).


The Properties Of God:

- Wisdom : "The chasm of wealth both of the wisdom and knowledge..." (Romans 11.33)

- Love : "God is love" (1 John 4.8)

- Knowledge of the future : "I bring from the beginning, it will be the end" (Isaiah 41)

- Mercy, mercy, patience :

"The Lord God merciful and gracious anger and multi-gracious..." (Exodus 34.6)

God is eternal and unchanging in all Their properties (James 1.17).


Note :

Because God is eternal in all Their properties, all his actions at any time just and perfect and above the judgments of other creatures. All would have been much happier if they believed that merciful Lord is with everyone as best as possible.

John 1.1 - the word was God

Verse 14 - and the word became flesh


The word is Christ. This (after completion) creature with the body of a human and the consciousness of God.


He is the only Son from the Father (John 1.14). Because He born from His Father, inherited His divinity and God Himself.


The Father calls His Son "God", and therefore He is God, "About a Son (told from Father) : Thy throne, o God, forever" (Heb 1.8).

IT EXISTED BEFORE BORN OF MARY :  "And now glorify Thou, Father, in Me you have The glory which I had with Thee before the world was" (John 17).


The world was created by Christ and His creative power is proof of His divinity. "They created all that is in the heavens and on Earth, visible and invisible. And He is before all things, and all of Them" (Col 1.16-17). The same is in other texts (Heb 1.10).

Power of Christ works miracles, resurrects the dead, etc. and should be revered as proof of His divinity.


The fact that Christ was resurrected and ascended to heaven, and that He sits at the right hand of the Father, confirms His divinity :

"God raised Him" (Acts 2.24).

"He was lifted up by God's hand" (v.33).

"The Lord said to my Lord: sit at my right" (v.34).


Christ acknowledges that the Father is greater than He (John 14.28). But it's "Prince of heaven, one with the Father" (John 10.30 and "Great Controversy"), "from eternity with the Father" (John 8.58 and "Signs of the Times" - 1895).

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (John ch. 14, 15, 16).

The Holy Spirit is a person and He is God (Acts 5.3-4).

The Deputy of Christ, but without flesh and so omnipresent and not depend of time and place.

The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and comes to us in the name of Christ (John 14.26).

"When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will testify about Me" (John 15.26).

Because the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, He has the same properties as the Father.


The Holy Spirit is referred to as :

- The Holy Spirit (Matt 28,19, Is 63.10-11)

- The Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ (Gen 1.2, Rom 8.9)

- The Spirit of truth (John 15.26)

- Spirit-Comforter (John 14.26)


The Holy Spirit as God's creative power.

"The Spirit of God created Me" (Job 33.4).

"You will send Your Spirit  - they are created" (Psalm 104.30).

He also is able to resurrect and heal.

"The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus, will revitalize your body" (Rom 8.11).


God gives revelation through His Spirit. IT WAS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE. "Men spoke from the saints of God are men, moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Pet 1.21).


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