In view of the fact that Satan rebelled against God and defamed it, declaring it not-fair and cruel, God had a plan for the Suppression of the revolt: defend and justify your character of the Board so that all interested parties are in this t is satisfied.



The following plan meets the nature of God :

1. The legislator (ruler) was subordinates.

2. He performs the Act in detail, and it shows that it does not require from their subjects of the Law, which he himself does not reclaim the similar circumstances.

3. Artists not being himself, HE ACCEPTS the punishment of the Law, as the criminal, these intelligent creatures, showing everyone that he not punished the offender more than he is willing to suffer under similar circumstances.

4. And finally, FORGIVING criminals who repent, and reconciles them with the Board, on condition that they will not violate the Law, but will be his discharge.


Such a plan would urge all that the ruler of the universe is fair and is mercifully not only towards the faithful subjects, but incorrect.

HE IS WORTHY of a King and His subjects have refuted the Prosecutor.


As Father and Son are United in the Creation of this world, they are United and in the Board.

Christ as the Creator has the right to issue a Law that actually and given to them, for He said and wrote it.

"And all drank the same spiritual drink: for they drank from the spiritual future of stone; stone was Christ" (1 Corinthians 10.4). Stone is a Law written.

As the Creator, He was not above the Law, and the Law (unlike creations).


But for His beliefs in justice, Father and Son joined in terms of exposing Satan's accusation against God's Law and His reign :

1.Tthe Son adopted the "seed of Abraham" (Hebrews 2.16) became flesh and in the likeness of the flesh sinful was born from a Virgin "because of the immaculate conception of the divine intervention: Behold, a Virgin will take" (Isaiah 7.14). And became a servant.

2. He left His divinity and became weak human being :

"The Son can do nothing of Himself" (John 7.29). He couldn't do Himself, but strengthened by the Father through the Spirit, He did everything and this proved that the accusations of Satan have no inception.

3. It is in the likeness of sinful flesh resisted ANY temptation to sin. HE HAS COMPLIED WITH THE LAW in its entirety.

"If you keep My commands, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept complete My Father's commandments and abide in His love" (John 15.10).

4. After that Christ, though was without sin and punishment of Law - death (Romans 6.23). Satan's accusation that the penalty for breaking the Law is not true, it was proven wrong when Christ himself willingly suffered and has undergone this punishment the sinner.

"Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1.29). That is, incurs the PENALTY OF SIN.

5. Finally, Christ was raised from the dead as a sinless creature and winner the devil.


Thus, the plan of the Father and of the Son, in obedience to Christ's Law and its acceptance of the punishment for sin, was acquitted of God, His Law, and His reign.


In addition to the approval of the Law and Heavenly reign of Christ, HE HAS TO FIND A WAY to forgive and RECONCILE with God the revolting subjects.

Plan of forgiveness and reconciliation of the sinner with God should not have been allowed to fix the Law and his punishment, as this would confirm that a sinner or risen against the Law and of the rights of God. A sinner could be forgiven only if the MAJESTY OF THE LAW and the PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION OF IT shall remain in full force and effect.


The plan of salvation of a sinner by grace, not by denying the Law of greatness and not weakened the penalties for violating it, must include the following :

1. Voluntary, not subject to the Law, worth more than all the sinners must TAKE THE PLACE of the offender, obey the Law and then offer a sinner instead of his righteousness (obedience) instead of his sin (disobedience), this sin on themselves.

2. He shall DIE instead of the sinner in order to live.

3. Finally, the sinner is forgiven, but only on the CONDITION of repentance their sins and INTENTION NO LONGER to BREAK GOD'S LAW.


"Not to be sin, he became for us by the sacrifice for sin, so that in him we have become righteous before God" (2 Corinthians 5.1).

The sinner ought to allow God to write the Law with his heart and both of bribery by using God in all life to obey Him. "I will put My Law in their interior and their hearts will write it, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Jeremiah 31.33).


Angel may not be such a Deputy for the fallen world, because he is being formed and the Law for the sake of itself. In addition, the Angel of the less valuable than the entire world, fallen in sins, and because he could not be a Savior of universe.


None but Christ the Creator and Legislator and, consequently, greater than all created beings could not redeem the world. "For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which must be saved" (Acts 4.12).


Infinite love of the Father and the Son has to bring this great sacrifice.


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3.16).


For the execution of the plan of salvation, Christ took flesh and slave - through the Law as a man. He obeyed the Law instead of the sinner. He died for sinners.


He promised all sinners who repent, reconcile with His father, and their SIN they justify them to God, but ONLY BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH. The Salvation promised the man on the condition that he will not break the Law, i.e. will not sin.


Rescue plan had the deepest intention.

Not only one Christ came to the Earth, to make the people of this small world paid their respect to the Law, but that the NATURE OF GOD was the excuse GIVEN to the entire universe.


This great and long fight began in heaven between Michael (Christ) and Lucifer, who is the Dragon, the devil and Satan (Rev 12.7-8).


Satan initially, although being perfect and Holy, covering Cherub ( "How do you fall out of the sky, Lucifer, son of the morning!" (Is14.14) ), but being created essence and subordinates the law of the Creator.

When Lucifer started to rebel against God, Christ and His angels, hoping to save him, advised him to submit to God's rule. "Here He is... and the angels their perceived flaws" (Job 4.18). But Lucifer is not obeyed. Followed his open rebellion, and he was banished from heaven.

"For if God Angels sinned not spared, but bound by ties of Stygian darkness, gave up on the Court for punishment. THEN, OF COURSE, KNOWS THE LORD AS BANISHING GODLY FROM TEMPTATION" (2 Pet 2.4,9).

"And the angels which kept not their dignity, but left their own abode, in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day" (Jude 6).

Every effort has been made to convince him in error. It was announced that his distaste for God unreasonable, and the consequences of disobedience. Was invited to go over to the selfless devotion to God. God has allowed Satan to continue its work. Finally, the spirit of hostility is ripe in active rebellion.

When Satan made that fateful step, he deprived itself of the opportunity to return to a previous state.


Satan lost his battle in heaven. It all the time since then, resists to rule of God. A VARIETY OF CRIME AND MISERY IS HIS HANDS. All of this demonstrates that his efforts to introduce the best rule turned out to be unfortunate mistake.

He is against Christ the moves, the closer it is to the end of time (Rev 12.12).


Once Christ came on Earth, Satan immediately began to confront Him, hoping to win over Him when He was in the flesh of a man :

- He encouraged Herod to kill Christ, as soon as He was born, but in vain.

- He tempted the Christ to a sin, but he was not possible to it.

- He tried to introduce Christ to sin by unbelievers and the Pharisees, etc. by tempted, and thus make a failed mission of Christ, but had no success in this.

- He inspired his servants bring to Christ and to crucify Him, and then tempt him get off the cross, but it didn't work.




Love led the Father and Son of the great sacrifice. We do not know who suffered more - Christ on the cross, or the Father, looking at Him.


When rational beings look at a cross, they are finding in the love of God and Satan's guilt.

All must come to the cross and decide for themselves WHOM to serve.


When Christ cried out "DONE!" the victory was won, and when Christ was resurrected, Satan realized that LOST.


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