God revealed His will to man in order to know what service pleases Him: "Hidden belongs to the Lord, our God, and open - us and our children a century before, so we sang all the words of this world" (Deut 29.29).


The Bible contains :

- the word of God Himself

- revelation of God through the prophets

- words of Christ during His life on Earth


OLD TESTAMENT (Canon) consists of 39 books, which are divided into three parts :

- The law of Moses (and history)

- Prophetic books

- Psalms< poetry >   -   Luke 24.44



- In Hebrew - תנ"ך - TANAKH (Torah - Law, Neviim - Prophets, Ktuvim - Writings) 


The words of the Old Testament are INFALLIBLE, as given by God :


"Remember the law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and judgments like" (Mal 4.4).


The New Testament has 27 books, which were written by men of God by the spirit of God even in the 1st century, a few years after the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

The first 4 books in the New Testament contain the story of Christ inspirited from God, the first Christians of the acts, Epistles to the churches teachings encompass and Revelation contains prophetic history until the end of the world.

Most of the teachings of the New Testament is based on the Old Testament.

"Explore the Scriptures, because you think they have eternal life: and they reveal about Me" (John 5.39). "Repent and believe the Gospel" (Mark 1.15).

When these words were spoken, New Testament Scripture was not.

"And he (Paul) from morning to evening expounding the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, citing evidence and certify them about Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets" (Acts 28.33).

Jesus confirmed the old testament because it was based on the writings of Moses and the prophets and invoked their authority throughout his teachings :

- Moses: "If you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?" (John 5.47)

- The prophets: "Of all the prophets, he expounded to them about him throughout the Scriptures" (Luke 24.27).

- Psalms: "Must be fulfilled everything written about me in the law of Moses - condition and in the prophets and the PSALMS" (Luke 24.44).

The apostles also confirmed the Old Testament and referred to it in his teachings (1 Pet 1.10-11, 2 Pet 1.21, 2 Tim 3.16, Acts 24.14; Jac 2.8-9, 4.5).


The word of God is living and active Word, because the Spirit is in him. "The Spirit gives life" (John 6.63).

The following illustrates the power of the word of God :

"And God said, let there be..." (Gen 1).

"He said - and it taketh, He commanded and was" (Ps 33.9).

The word is kept. "And keeping all Your power word" (Heb 1.3).

Example - the life of Christ, His healings, miracles, etc.

The power of the word, that person is under the influence of the Spirit of God :

"Joshua (Ben-Nun) said of the Israelis: stop, Sun... and the Moon !  And was stop the Sun, and the Moon was stop..." (Joshua 10.12-13).

"Peter... said: Tabitha, get up ! And she has opened her eyes" (Acts 9.46).


(1 Pet 1.23 - "revival" , Rom 1.16 - "by the power of God for salvation").


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