
Сообщения за март, 2023


  CREATE - so called from nothingness into being, given the existence of that did not exist, to create out of nothing. The creation of the world - the manifestation of the highest Shea creative forces that caused the world or universe of subsistence (Webster's dictionary). Oblivion is an imaginary place where is something not (Heb. SHEOL, Greek. HADES). The first verse of Genesis teaches that the original creation of this world, his rough and chaotic condition, it was from nothing (Gezenius, Tesorus, 357; Gejk, "Watch for the Bible, vol.1, p.25). The Bible teaches us that the world was created that never existed. "Faith experience that the eyelids are arranged by the word of God, so that from the unseen was visible" (Heb 11.6). "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth" (Gen. 1.1). Creative power is the highest power. Nothing is stronger than her impossible myself to. It calls into being something before. As a sentient power, it goes back up t...


  In addition to our land, God created other worlds (eyelids) - Heb 1.2 "As uncounted heavenly host" (Jer 33.22). Our Earth is NOT THE  FIRST : "Where were you when I felt the foundations of the Earth in the presence of morning stars sang together when all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (Job 38.4-7). The morning stars are angels and sons of God - intelligent beings similar to humans (Gen 6.2).   This celestial bodies such as the Earth. "Lift up your eyes to the heavens and see who created them? Who prints the host their account? He's called them all by name" (Is 40.26). "Who created the seven stars and Orion?" (Am 5.8). It is inhabited worlds. "So have fun, the heavens, and you who dwell in them!" (Rev 12.12) "That is all the fatherland in heaven..." (Eph 3.15) "And other inhabitants of the universe do not fall" (Is 26.18)   God created all the worlds, through His son, Jesus, "through which the eyelids ar...


  There are three persons of the Godhead: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28.19, 1 John 5.7 , Is 63.9-10). Note : CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN A TRIUNE GOD, NOT THREE GODS ! (Deut 6.4)   God the father is the first person of deity and, as such, He more than anyone. "My Father is greater than I (Christ)" (John 14.28). The wisdom and power of God are infinite. The universe and nature. "I know that you all can and that your intention may not be stopped - but... I was talking about something that does not thought, on cases of wonderful for me, which I didn't know" (Job 42.2-3). "Who has exhausted His handful of water and span measured the heavens, and contains in the ashes of the Earth, and weighed on the scales the weight hole cups we? " (Is 40.12).   The Properties Of God: - Wisdom : "The chasm of wealth both of the wisdom and knowledge... " (Romans 11.33) - Love : "God is love" (1 John 4.8) - Knowledge of the future : "I br...


  God revealed His will to man in order to know what service pleases Him: "Hidden belongs to the Lord, our God, and open - us and our children a century before, so we sang all the words of this world" (Deut 29.29).   The Bible contains : - the word of God Himself - revelation of God through the prophets - words of Christ during His life on Earth   OLD TESTAMENT (Canon) consists of 39 books, which are divided into three parts : - The law of Moses (and history) - Prophetic books - Psalms< poetry >   -   Luke 24.44     - In Hebrew - תנ"ך  - TANAKH (Torah - Law, Neviim - Prophets, Ktuvim - Writings)    The words of the Old Testament are INFALLIBLE, as given by God :   "Remember the law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, even statutes and judgments like" (Mal 4.4).   The New Testament has 27 books, which were written by men of God by the spirit of God even in the 1st century, a few ...


  All of God's creation is subject to known laws. For example, all combinations of inanimate matter are subject to the law of definite proportions. Plants are subject to certain laws. Some grow in the Earth, the other in the water. Some live in the cold zone, others in the moderate third - in hot. If suddenly change Habitat plants, it will die, as in this case, the tea would violate the law. Animals also are subject to the laws of nature. These laws also identified habitats. To live and grow, animals must comply with these laws. Man as God's creation is also obliged to obey the laws of nature and the laws of morality.   Harmony creations depends on better coordination of all beings and all that is animate and non-animate with the laws of the creator. God chose laws not only for the management of all living beings, but also all environmental actions. Everything is subject to certain laws, which no one can bypass. While everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature, THE...


  At the heart of any uprising is discontent with the Board or the Board's laws, which in this case is unjust and onerous. The uprising always begins with one or more subjects. Hellraiser assures that aims to correct the position of the change of Government and the revision of laws, it follows that he considers himself more familiar with laws and could manage better than anyone on the throne - it more than the Governor. He recruited followers and when he feels strong enough, trying to topple the existing Government and form a new, supposedly the best laws. Finally, Hellraiser, toppling power and it runs the risk of all; If it is not successful - all it lost. The only way to prove that it is able to improve the existing rights of - get the opportunity and time to carry out their ideas to life by showing the benefits of his reign. USUALLY, IT ASSIGNS A SPECIFIC DAY IN MEMORY OF THE NEW GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. The uprising commonly discredited the deposed ruler in the eyes of his former...


  In view of the fact that Satan rebelled against God and defamed it, declaring it not-fair and cruel, God had a plan for the Suppression of the revolt: defend and justify your character of the Board so that all interested parties are in this t is satisfied. GOD COULD NOT JUSTIFY AND DEFEND HIS RULE BY CHANGING OR ELIMINATING THE LAW AND ISSUING ANOTHER, FOR THIS POINTS TO A TRUTH OF SATAN THAT GOD IS IMPERFECT AND WRONG.   The following plan meets the nature of God : 1. The legislator (ruler) was subordinates. 2. He performs the Act in detail, and it shows that it does not require from their subjects of the Law, which he himself does not reclaim the similar circumstances. 3. Artists not being himself, HE ACCEPTS the punishment of the Law, as the criminal, these intelligent creatures, showing everyone that he not punished the offender more than he is willing to suffer under similar circumstances. 4. And finally, FORGIVING criminals who repent, and reconciles them with the Boar...